First of all, a quick shoutout once again to the hospitable Wellingtonians who entertained us while we were there- David DuBois and his fincee Janine who made us our first home cooked meal in over a month and took us to the scenic spots in and around the city. And to Julian Gonzalez who showed us the cultural center of Wellington and guided us to a tasty Malaysian lunch spot. It was nice to not look like a couple of deer-in-headlights tourists for a couple days trying to find things on our own.
At this point we’re well into the south island. Starting this Wednesday (your Tuesday) we will be undertaking an 8 day hiking excursion on the Milford and Routeburn tracks. So it’s likely there won’t be any contact from us until a week later.
Here’s what we’ve found on the south island so far. (1) and (2) A long dirt road leads to the place where Edoras was built in the second LOTR movie. Probably one of the few places they could film wide shots without having to enhance anything as the natural surroundings were perfect and eerily accurate to the books. (3) A swing bridge on the way to Hooker glacier near Mt Cook. (4) Hooker lake, Hooker glacier and Mt Cook. Mt Cook is the highest peak in NZ at 3754 meters. (5) Kawarau river – another one of the many rivers that doubled as Anduin. This is the section where they digitally added the Pillar of Kings.
If you haven't checked in a while, don't miss the 3 blogs added a couple days ago below this one.
blake has already converted to the metric system...pretty soon he is going to be an EU America hating liberal. watch out! :D
oh yeah, nice pics!
Even the golf courses in NZ are measured in metres.
How many weeks have you been there and not a single sheep comment or photo?
Great photos! Looks like some cool opportunties to do some panoramic photos
Blake, you are a nerd. I didn't know anybody else watched more Lord of the Rings [I am not cool enough to write LOTR] stuff than I did. I read the books about 5 times in my life, but you must have me beat by a long shot.
They are cool pictures and it looks like you guys are having a blast. When you coming back? We have been planning some activities like Tent peg [where's my partner?] and the golf trip.
Keep up the fun and say hello to your pretty and happy wife Betsy.
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